How to Wire Outdoor Speakers to a Receiver (2024)
How to Wire Outdoor Speakers to a Receiver: For anyone planning to spend a significant amount of cash on a decent outdoor speaker, it would be wise to spend sufficient time planning on the installation process and set up to ensure that they end up working perfectly. Achievement of perfect wiring of your outdoor speakers may seem to be a simple task but proves to be challenging especially if you have little knowledge of the best applicable procedure.
However, you do not have to call for an electrician to set them up for you. The process is quite simple as even any beginner with little knowledge can connect the wires. So, you can follow the steps below to enjoy an open-air party at any time you desire with your outdoor speakers blasting out the best music you have ever thought of.
Check the steps "How to Wire Outdoor Speakers to a Receiver"
Check for compatibility (How to Wire Outdoor Speakers to a Receiver)
After purchasing, do not rush to take the speakers out of the package to initiate the installation process. First, recheck once again to certify they are compatible with the rest of the electronics in your possession. With a quick look at the outside of the packaging box, you will notice a listing of all the different electronics that the speakers are comfortably compatible with. This is because some electronic stores deny the return of products whose seal is broken. Hence, this acts as a precautionary measure to prevent you from getting stuck with an unwanted product.
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Ensure you own all parts you need

You do not want to realize in the process of installation that some parts are missing. This will delay the process and consume more time as it will necessitate you to go back shopping. Therefore, before you initiate the process of installation, you should ensure you have the following items in addition to the speakers themselves.
- Mounting hardware
- Speaker wire (usually not included in the speaker package)
- All necessary accessories will ensure the efficient performance of your speakers. A good example is the PVC conduits which shelter the cables and wires.
- The receiver
- A source that is meant to play the audio is meant to be transmitted to the speakers. This can be a smartphone or a laptop.
The length and type of the speaker wire are quite important. Not all wires are equal and it is good to possess the right size and quality. First, it should be rated as an outdoor wire. If you intend to use it for a longer run, ensure it is lower gauge wires to enable it to carry more power.
For wires running underneath the ground, you will purchase one rated for direct burial with a conduit to run through it. As it is a bad practice to run a wire through the window or door as it acts as a barrier in case you need to close the opening, ensure the wire you buy is graded for in-wall runs.
Before you purchase the speaker wire, it is a good practice to estimate using a string the required length with an additional 10-20% to the length as an insurance policy.
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Erect the speakers at a strategic place

It is of utmost importance to check where you place your outdoor speakers. Just because it is “outdoor” equipment does not mean it will suit any sort of environment. The outside environment is always exposed to various risk factors and therefore you ought to ensure you have placed them at the most ideal place.
Though modern speakers are designed to with stand any kind of risk element, finding a good location for them helps avoid harm or destruction in turn increasing their life span. The best suitable place is usually underneath the patio or rather below the eaves of your building.
Also, this helps shelter them from advanced weather conditions. If you intend to place your speakers in an environment where they are exposed to harsh outdoor climate, ensure you acquire ones with the suitable specs to guarantee their resilience. Also, a key determinant of the installation place is dependent on the type of speaker.
For rock speakers, you can install them at any place of your choice. However, if they require an electricity connection, the ideal place is within your homestead or rather near the electrical outlet to avoid incurring extra charges of purchasing a long wire cable. Also, you should choose an outdoor place where the best and greatest sound quality will be produced.
For in-ground speakers, you must install them in a grassy or landscaped region. This is because their applicability is limited to such areas and cannot be used on a patio or deck. Some of them may necessitate burying them underground and thus you should consider the best suitable place to bury them. The electrical wiring will also need to be buried underground and thus have to pass through conduits.
As you select the best location, ensure you consider one that will provide the optimum sound which will not be too conspicuous. It is a good idea to construct a shelter to provide extra protection.
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Power (How to Wire Outdoor Speakers to a Receiver)

This is a vital metric that you should put into consideration. A sound tends to behave differently when exposed to different kinds of environments. For an indoor environment, the sound will be within an enclosure and thus the walls will automatically magnify it. Background sound will also be excluded for an indoor environment. This is to means that less power and volume are needed for an indoor speaker.
On the contrary, outdoor speakers lack walls to contain the sound and also have to overcome the barrier of background sound. An outdoor sound system is then required to possess sufficient power capable to fill the outdoor area they are placed at. Sometimes, a subwoofer may be a vital addition to ensure they meet the above requirement and give their optimal quality.
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Test the speakers

It is always a frustrating experience to go through the entire process of installation only to eventually realize that they are faulty and do not work. You do not want to commit this mistake most listeners undertake. To avoid your entire task been in vain, you ought to test the sound quality as well as the projection before you mount them.
You can simply decide to run the wires through a window to conduct a proper test. For wireless speakers, it is crucial to check the radius within which they can operate efficiently by reading the appropriate signals as well as producing the right sound without buffering. This will always save you a lot of time, energy, and unnecessary frustration later.
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Ensure the speakers are at a sufficient distance apart

It is always a vital step to ensure that the speakers are separated at a certain distance from each other. This ensures that the sound is not muddled as a result of the overlapping of the speakers. Also, the distance in between should not be so large as this may make you miss the stereo. The most ideal distance of the speakers usually ranges between 8 to 10 feet.
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Ensure the speakers are at a sufficient height
This practice ensures that the bass of the speakers is audible enough. By referring to sufficient height, we do not refer to 10 feet or above the ground. This will lead to the disappearance of the projection and the bass as well. As a music listener, it is always a good practice to ensure that your speakers are mounted 10 feet and below but not less than 5 feet. By doing this, the speakers will cover an extensive area to guarantee improved listening and projection.
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Application of the right channels for speakers and receiver

The installation of channels for speakers is at times a difficult task for beginners. A channel is meant to cover two speakers to produce a stereo sound experience. Depending on the number of speaker pairs you want to install, you ought to install the required number of channels. This is because a perfect stereo mix is dependent on the right proportion of channels and the speakers.
As you install, ensure to abide by this most significant consideration. For speakers mounted along the wall, the channels also have to be mounted along the wall. On the other hand, if you decide to use a box to install your speakers around the patio, ensure you install the channels on the opposite side of the box.
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The actual installation of the outdoor speakers

After going through the above steps, you are now ready to install your outdoor speakers. With different types of speakers, different installation processes are involved. However, some steps are consistent no matter the type of speaker you purchase. It is important to note that every speaker package comes with an installation manual coupled with instructions that you ought to read and follow as it provides a clear guideline of how the installation process should be conducted for that specific speaker.
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Installation of wireless speakers

In comparison to cabled speakers, wireless speakers are way easier to set up and install. It is as easy as ABC. It only calls for little skill and effort. The speakers are designed with a transmitter that should be connected to your stereo source or movie projector or an equivalent device. Upon connection to the stereo, the transmitter will transfer a signal to your speakers thus enabling them to play your music of choice.
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Installation of cabled speakers

In case you purchase cabled speakers, you will be required to run a cable connector to link up the speaker and the receiver. To perform this task, you have to run the cable via the wall and above the ceiling of your house or home. During this stage, you ought to be extra careful with a clear plan out of where and how you intend the cable to get into your home.
For those who already have cable wires penetrating your home, try as much as possible to fit the new wiring via the same hole while abiding by the same pattern through the walls. This will help you save energy and time meant to drill new holes into your house. Besides, it will help maintain the aesthetic value of your home.
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Electrical power

Different speakers have different sources of power. For some, they are manufactured with an in-built internal battery and thus no need for external powering. For others, electricity is required to power them into operation. In case you purchase the latter, you will need to run an electrical cord to the speaker. For this reason, you should ensure that the cord you use is suitable for outdoor use and thus it is not prone to damage. As a precautionary measure, you should ensure that the cord is out of the reach of children and pets which may interfere with its operation.
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A decent outdoor sound system, though a bit expensive, can serve you for a lengthy period upon complete and efficient installation. For this reason, the installation process has to be conducted in the right manner with proper care taken to ensure that each step is put into consideration.
If you feel uncomfortable installing the speakers on your own, it would be prudent to call a professional electrician to assist and do the installation on your behalf. Though the electrician will charge some service fee, it will save you a lot of frustration especially when dealing with wired speakers. In case you undertake to install the speakers by yourself, ensure to take proper care and follow each step.
You also ought to read the instructions and follow them to the last bit. Also, you should have a clear plan of how you intend to run the cables through the walls before you initiate the installation process. Though expensive, wireless speakers provide the best listening experience.
For any outdoor activity such as a party, I would highly recommend the use of outdoor speakers as they help bring up a festive environment. Always ensure you take proper care of the speakers upon installation.